
My thoughts on Vimium Vimium is a browser extension that allows you to navigate the browser with vim-like commands. I have been using it starting early 2023, and needless to say, I am very impressed! The intuitive keybindings match very well to vim making navigating the web from a keyboard pleasant. Especially when I’m on the go using a laptop, I don’t need to use the track pad as heavily.

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Tmux Tips

Tmux Tips I have been an avid Tmux user since 2021, and I don’t know that I could work without it. Tmux is a powerful terminal multiplexer, allowing you to open up mutiple terminals in a single window. My current workflow revolves around using tmux for running processes, sshing into machines, and editing text/code. I even went as far as to write my own tmux session manager Disconnected that automates the startup of tmux sessions for me by using a json file to craft the tmux session.

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Vim Tip One

Vim Tip 1 Welcome to vim tips, where I publish a blog post weekly with a tip on vim that I have found useful. I stumbled onto one today that had some use. I wanted to wrap several lines of text in a paragraph tag. The text can look something like this: This is the first line This is the second line This is the third line This is the four line So I hit V (Shift+v) in normal mode, and highligted those four lines.

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Sensible Deletion remapping for Vim I often find myself in this scenario: var testVar = "Hello World!"; Imagine that my cursor is on the !. I want to delete all the text within the double quotes. If I was at the beginning of the text at H, I could run (in Normal mode) dt" and that would delete all the text in the double quotes. Now if I want to delete from !

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Austin Wilcox

Full Stack Software Developer

Senior Software Developer @The Arbinger Institute

Utah, United States