Common Urls

These are some of the common urls that I find myself navigating to.

I have this page setup in my blogs right now because I want to be able to use vimium all around to navigate to everything, and tabliss currently will not work with vimium, so having a simple blog post page with these urls makes sense.

Arbinger Work

Github Arbinger Source code that is stored in Github.

PR’s A quick link to all the PR’s I have created.

Azure Pipelines Our pipelines that publish code to production and staging servers.

Jira Project management that is done in Jira.

Portal The new Portal built in November 2021.

New-Hire Documentation New Hire documentation, currently our source of truth for our development at Arbinger

Sharepoint Home Arbinger Sharepoint

Outlook Outlook web client for emails.

Teams Teams for inter-organizational communication.

BrowserStack BrowserStack for testing in all web browsers without needing physical hardware.


Github Link to my github profile.

Gitlab Link to my gitlab profile.

PSDetch PSDetch converts Adobe XD documents into a readable format all in the web, all client side rendering.

Alternative To Alternativeto gives you alternatives to popular applications. Nice to use when you are on a linux system.

Linear Linear is a project management tool that I am interested in using in the future.

Raindrop Raindrop is a bookmark manager I use this to keep track of articles and videos that I want to research/watch later on.


The Grace Company Asana Project Management for The Grace Company.

React Native Docs I am constantly digging in the Docs for react-native.