
My thoughts on Vimium Vimium is a browser extension that allows you to navigate the browser with vim-like commands. I have been using it starting early 2023, and needless to say, I am very impressed! The intuitive keybindings match very well to vim making navigating the web from a keyboard pleasant. Especially when I’m on the go using a laptop, I don’t need to use the track pad as heavily.

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Tmux Tips

Tmux Tips I have been an avid Tmux user since 2021, and I don’t know that I could work without it. Tmux is a powerful terminal multiplexer, allowing you to open up mutiple terminals in a single window. My current workflow revolves around using tmux for running processes, sshing into machines, and editing text/code. I even went as far as to write my own tmux session manager Disconnected that automates the startup of tmux sessions for me by using a json file to craft the tmux session.

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Common Urls

Common Urls These are some of the common urls that I find myself navigating to. I have this page setup in my blogs right now because I want to be able to use vimium all around to navigate to everything, and tabliss currently will not work with vimium, so having a simple blog post page with these urls makes sense. Arbinger Work Github Arbinger Source code that is stored in Github.

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Git Commit Mistakes

Git Commit Mistakes Let’s say you are working on a feature improvement on the staging branch, and after you have completed your work you go to commit it and after writing your commit message and pressing enter, you remember that you can’t push to the staging branch directly and you need to create a feature branch to push your changes to the repository. I have made this mistake way to often, and it is frustrating remembering what you need to do to fix it.

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Using Podman on Arco Linux My scenario for using podman at first was due to not being allowed to use docker due to their licensing, and my company being over the threshhold for using docker without purchasing a license, and my company wasn’t interested in purchasing docker, as I was the only developer interested in placing my local database in a docker container, more later as to why I want it off of my computer and just in a container.

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Vim Tip One

Vim Tip 1 Welcome to vim tips, where I publish a blog post weekly with a tip on vim that I have found useful. I stumbled onto one today that had some use. I wanted to wrap several lines of text in a paragraph tag. The text can look something like this: This is the first line This is the second line This is the third line This is the four line So I hit V (Shift+v) in normal mode, and highligted those four lines.

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Sensible Deletion remapping for Vim I often find myself in this scenario: var testVar = "Hello World!"; Imagine that my cursor is on the !. I want to delete all the text within the double quotes. If I was at the beginning of the text at H, I could run (in Normal mode) dt" and that would delete all the text in the double quotes. Now if I want to delete from !

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Austin Wilcox

Full Stack Software Developer

Senior Software Developer @The Arbinger Institute

Utah, United States